
What's that? You want to talk to me? Well...just don't ask me for animation help stuff because as I saw on the VivziePop drama, I don't want to partake on a project, even if the concept looks good and awesome. It may look interesting, but I am just going to skip it. Also, no NFTs. I beg you. I detest that pyramid scheme and I just wish they will die for good.

Because of Elon Musk, a self-proclaimed "billionare" with tons of evil plans to ruin society as we know it, fully buying Twitter, I decided it will be a good time to call it quits and leave Twitter for good. So, the new forms of communication now is through my Discord (ReBlue#2553) and my Telegram (Asael Polanco). I also have a CoHost account too. I will be linking that soon.

© Asael Polanco. 2022-2023.
Productions mentioned belong to their respective owners.
FOR CHARACTERS: (C) Robin Steele and Brianne Leary
FOR SERIES: (C) 1994, 1996-1998 Nelvana Limited. 

MAGICAL BEAST SHERBERT (C) Sherbert's Production/Zecxs Studio Japan.
Extras section powered by Google Sites. 
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